Wednesday, August 29, 2012
My Senior....Class of 2013

Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Back to School Time!
Each year we all wait for the time that our children go back to school. This year I have a senior in high school, he will be on the blog tomorrow, a 7th grader and a 4th grader. I love each of my boys so much and am very thankful that we get to homeschool our gang :) I love being able to teach my boys new things each and every day :) It is amazing to see their minds grow so much!!
Have a great school year ya'll!!!
Monday, August 20, 2012
Prayer...and the Army
As a member of an awesome church, who has a high military concentration. We see a lot men and women going away during deployments. As each one nears their departure time, we take time to pray for each soldier that leaves, praying for a hedge of protection from God to be around him and his unit. Last night, we prayed for the ~A~ family. And it was a Spirit filled service. It was amazing to see the men of God gathered around ~J~, praying for his safety, but in the same turn, it was so sweet, so emotional, to see the women of God comfort his wife.
Please pray for each of our soldiers, that they come home, that the ones they leave behind are strong and any outside troubles be kept to a minimum.
Please pray for each of our soldiers, that they come home, that the ones they leave behind are strong and any outside troubles be kept to a minimum.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Any day now...
Last year I got to photography Mrs. ~R~ and her
beloved when they got married, and now we are a
year later and they are expecting their first bundle of joy!
I've known ~R~ since she was 14 and she has grown into
a wonderful friend, beloved by her family
and church, teacher, homemaker,
wife and soon to be mother.
It has been a great joy to see how she has
grown in her walk with God, and
I look forward to seeing her new daughter soon.
We had a ton of fun on this photo shoot, and the pond you see
in the background holds a special place in her and her husband's heart.
It is where they would walk and talk while they were courting :)
For this child I prayed; and the LORD hath given me my petition which I asked of him:
This little girl will be a fashionista thanks to her stylish mother :)
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Love and the Army
We live just outside of Fort Campbell Kentucky, one of the largest army bases in the US. We have been blessed to get to know a few of the many soldiers and their spouses. Recently I got to photography a family before their loved one gets shipped over to Afghanistan for a couple of months. It is heart wrenching to see families torn apart for months at a time, but it is also joyful to see them reunited when they come together again. Sometimes I think it is better than a wedding, but don't tell my brides ;)
I ask that you pray for all the family torn apart by war. Pray for those that go, and for those that stay.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Bread and life....
Today was baking day here at the ~S~ house and we made bread. YUM!! I still have a loaf of pretty french bread rising, but while I was waiting for that I decided to try a new recipe for bread sticks. Now, I love bread sticks. You can take me out for pizza, but if they have good bread sticks, I'll eat them first.
Today I tried to make Olive Garden's famous bread sticks, and I think we have a winner for the recipe here. They are a little more dense than I would like to have had them, but they taste great, and if you have your handy dandy Kitchen Aid mixer, they are so easy to put together :)
Have you ever craved food and really wanted it but after you got it, you were still hungry? You might have been hungry for something other than food...it says in John 6:35 And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst. Have you ever thought that your hunger might not be a physical one but a spiritual one? Have you ever asked Jesus to help you with your spiritual hunger? I encourage you to visit your local independent Baptist KJV Bible preaching church to hear how your spiritual hunger can be quenched. Or if you are not courageous enough yet to go, visit my home church's website at: www.visitgcbc.com to hear some of the wonderful preaching messages by Pastor Ken Shaver.
Knock Off Olive Garden Bread Sticks
1 1/2 cups warm water (with yeast you are looking about 110 degrees max so you do not kill the yeast)2 Tbs sugar
1 Tbs yeast
1 Tbs salt
2 Tbs butter, softened
4-5 Cups flour (I used 4, but reserved the last cup for when I was rolling out the dough)
3 Tbs butter meltedsea salt
1 tsp garlic powder
For the dough, pour the water into a stand mixer with the sugar and yeast, let that sit and froth for about 10 minutes. Add salt, butter, and 2 cups of flour. Mix the dough on low. Add the rest of the flour a half cup at a time, until dough scrapes the sides of the bowl clean. Mix the dough about 2 minutes on medium speed, until its soft and easy to work with. (The original recipe called for 5 minutes, but after 2 minutes it was ready to work with.)
Let the dough rest in the bowl until doubled in size, about 1 hour and then roll it out.
Roll the dough out into a long log, spray a knife with cooking spray and cut the dough into 12-14 pieces. Roll those pieces into about 6 inch long snakes. Spray 2 large cookie sheets with cooking spray, ( I usually only use one) and lay the bread sticks out leaving about 2 inches between each one.
Place them in the oven with the temperature turned to 170 degrees. Let them rise for about 15 minutes, or until doubled in size.(Putting them in the oven is the best way to help them double, if not then you have to wait and wait and wait for the dough to double again.)
Once risen, brush them with the 1 1/2 T of melted butter and sprinkle them with salt. (I had left the salt off, and the tasted just fine).
Now preheat the oven to 400 degrees and bake them for 12-14 minutes or until golden brown. While they are baking combine the rest of the melted butter with 1 tsp garlic powder.
When the bread sticks are golden brown, remove them from the oven and brush them with the butter/garlic mixture.
These are very tasty, and very quick to make if you need bread for a meal. I hope you enjoy them as much as my family does :)
Original recipe can be found at:
Monday, August 13, 2012
Yummm Cake!
Yesterday we had our first Greater Cumberland Baptist Church Cake Bake-off, and well, I'm a bit on the competitive side so I brought my A+ game. Usually I do not make a big fuss about making cakes, I usually will go the easy route and grab a box cake and give it a whirl in the trusty Kitchen Aid mixer and ice it with store bought icing.
Well, this cake took me 2, that is right 2, days to make from start to finish.
I was up against some very stiff competition, Italian Creme cakes, carrot cakes, cheese cakes, chocolate cakes. They were all so pretty! But with this recipe, I placed first :) and I highly recommend it for anybody who has a large gathering they are going to because this cake weighs 10 pounds!!!!
Crustless Cheesecake portion:
30 mini peanut butter cups, each one quartered
2 sticks (16 tbsp) softened butter
1 cup granulated sugar
4- 8 oz packages cream cheese, softened
4 eggs
2 tsp baking powder
1 tbsp lemon juice
Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Grease two 9" pans with shortening, line the pans with parchment and then grease the parchment. Lightly flour the pans and tap out excess over the sink. Set aside.
Cream butter and sugar in a stand mixer fitted with paddle attachment. Add cream cheese a little at a time until smooth. Scrape bowl down and beat again on medium speed, adding eggs one at a time. Add remaining ingredients except peanut butter cups. Mix again until smooth.
With a rubber spatula, fold in quartered peanut butter cups. Divide batter evenly between pans. You should have 8 cups of batter, so 4 cups in each pan. Smooth batter with offset spatula and bake for 55 minutes to 1 hour. Cheesecake will puff up during baking, then deflate when taken out.
Do not turn out cheesecakes when they are finished baking. Put them directly in the freezer, and leave until frozen solid.
Turn out frozen cheesecake layers and peel parchment from the bottoms. Line the pan they were in with enough parchment or wax paper to hang over the sides of the pan. Place the cheesecakes back in the pans. This makes removal FAR more easy after caramel layer has been added. Place cheesecakes back into the freezer while you make the caramel layer.
Caramel for cake layers:
2-14 oz cans of sweetened condensed milk
10 tbsp. butter
80 caramels
Scant cup of salted peanut halves (I did not use any of these, and the cake was still ultra rich)
Important note: This recipe is made in two batches, so all of the ingredients are divided.
In a large microwaveable bowl, place 1- 14 oz. can sweetened condensed milk, 5 tbsp. butter, and 40 caramels. Heat at 1 minute intervals until smooth. My household microwave at full power took about 3 minutes.
Pour caramel evenly over frozen layers of cheesecakes. Be careful to not let much of the caramel drip over the sides. Sprinkle each layer with 3-4 tbsp. of salted peanut halves, if using. Return cheesecake layers to freezer.
Chocolate cake portion:
1 3/4 cup all purpose flour
2 cups sugar
3/4 cups cocoa powder, unsweetened
2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 cup buttermilk
1/2 cup canola oil (or other vegetable oil)
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla extract (I used almond)
1 cup of coffee - must be hot!
Grease 2- 9" pans with shortening and line with parchment. Grease parchment and lightly flour pan, tapping out excess. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Sift all the dry ingredients into the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with paddle attachment. In a 4 cup glass measure, mix all the wet ingredients except hot coffee!
Turn mixer on low speed and gradually add wet ingredients to dry. Stop and scrape down the bowl, making sure to scrape the bottom where dregs tend to gather. Return mixer to low speed and beat in hot coffee. Mixture will be very thin.
Divide batter evenly between the two pans, and bake for 35-40 minutes (check at 35). Cake is ready when toothpick tester comes out clean. Cool slightly in pans. Run knife around the edge of cakes and turn them out. Let them rest on a cooling rack.
When cool, level cakes with a serrated knife or cake leveler. Line cake pans with parchment or wax paper, enough to hang over the edges (just like previously with the cheesecake layers). Return cake layers to parchment lined pans.
Make 2nd batch of caramel as directed for the cheesecake layer. Pour caramel evenly over both chocolate cake layers (Fig. 4), sprinkle with 3-4 tbsp. salted peanut halves. Place caramel covered cakes in freezer until caramel has hardened a bit (about 15 minutes).
Remove all cake layers from freezer. Remove all cake layers from pans using the parchment overhang to pull them out. Stack layers beginning with 1 layer of chocolate cake as the bottom, then cheesecake layer, then chocolate layer, and last cheesecake layer will be on top (Fig.5). Wrap layers in plastic wrap and freeze overnight. You'll frost your cake the next day.
Chocolate ganache frosting:
13 oz. or 1 2/3 cup semisweet chocolate chips
1 1/2 cups heavy cream
1/2 tbsp. corn syrup
Note: Remove cheesecake layers from freezer and unwrap. Choose your serving plate and line it with wax paper strips. Place cake over strips. Now you're ready to frost.
Put chocolate chips in a medium bowl or 4 cup measure. Heat cream in a saucepan over medium high heat until very hot but not boiling. Pour hot cream over chips and stir until smooth. Remove 2/3 cup chocolate mixture and pour into a small bowl. Add 1/2 tbsp. corn syrup and stir. When combined, immediately pour over top of cake (Fig. 6), creating a shiny dark topping and taking care that most remains on top of the cake and doesn't spill down the edges (Fig.7). Return cake, uncovered this time, to freezer.
Fit stand mixer with whisk attachment. Pour remaining chocolate ganache into the stand mixer bowl and whip on the highest speed for 5-10 minutes (I set my timer for 7 minutes) until icing is light and fluffy. Icing is ready when it is thick and can be pulled into a stiff peak, mine was still runny at this point, so I added confec. suger to stiffen it up, about a cup works great.
Remove cake layers from freezer and frost sides with chocolate ganache using an offset spatula. The whipped frosting should grab on to the frozen cakes well. Use all the ganache frosting, evening the cake's surface as you work.
Chocolate curls:1 1/2 cups chocolate chips -semisweet
11x14 cookie sheet
Small brownie spatula with a sharp edge
Melt chocolate chips at 30 second intervals in the microwave; stir until smooth. Pour onto cookie sheet and spread evenly with an offset spatula. Place in refrigerator for 5-7 minutes, or until the chocolate is firm and has a matte appearance.
Remove from refrigerator and let stand for a few minutes (3-5ish) at room temperature. With a small, sharp spatula, begin scraping chocolate at one edge in a thin strip. If chocolate breaks into pieces it is too cold, so allow it to stand a few minutes more at room temp. Chocolate should curl easily as you run your spatula under the chocolate and down the length of the cookie sheet. Place curls in a small bowl and store in refrigerator until ready for use.
To garnish cake with chocolate curls, let cake stand at room temperature for a few minutes, then remove curls from refrigerator and gently press into the sides of the cake.
Peanut Butter Frosting and Garnish:
2/3 cup creamy peanut butter
8 tbsp butter, softened
1 cup confectioners' sugar
9 mini peanut butter cups
Cream peanut butter and butter together in stand mixer with whisk attachment. Gradually add powdered sugar. Whip on high speed until light and fluffy.
Transfer icing to a piping bag fitted with a large french piping tip. Pipe 8 large swirls around the top edge of cake, and pipe one swirl in the middle. Garnish each swirl with a peanut butter cup.
The original recipe can be found at :
I tweaked it a little, and well I'm not a professional cake decorator, so the curls
and swirls are not as pretty, but it is still a very tasty cake :-)
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