Thursday, May 10, 2012

Early Mornings..

Have you ever seen the sky at 5:30 am? Well I have! :) and it is not because I have to be at work, or even getting off of work. For the past couple of weeks my dear hubby has went to work early every day, they are in the middle of launch season, and I get up with him every morning just to pack his lunch, and kiss him good bye. 

The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.

Do you know as a Christian woman, I am part of a union with my husband? He is mine and I am his. Many marriages now a days there is a power struggle, over money, children, jobs, clothing...I want to please my husband and my God, not the world.

Genesis 2:24
Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

Have you ever thought why you set up a household on your own, away from your parents? This verse, as well as Matthew 19:5 and Mark 10:7 both refer to  you leaving your parents and cleaving to your wife. 
When we got married almost 18 years ago, and moved away from family and friends I almost had a heart attack! What were we thinking moving 12 hours away from our support system. I thought we would be living in Virginia forever, but nope we had to move and make a life on our own. Never did I think that we would move to Chicagoland, and then down to Kentucky. I made a move of faith with my husband and God helped us every step of the way. 

1 Corinthians 7:33
But he that is married careth for the things that are of the world, how he may please his wife.

My husband cares for me greatly. And throughout the years I have never had to worry if he was cheating, or where he was in the middle of the night, or who was calling him or texting him. He found a simple way to please me, by being very faithful in our marriage. My husband made a commitment to me almost 18 years ago, for better or worse, to love, honor and cherish until death do us part, and I am holding him to it ;)  
When you are truly madly in love with the one that God wants you to be with forever, what is the problem with going and making the commitment? Don't you truly love your beloved? The one you trust more than anybody else? then what is holding you back from getting married? 
 When you are living with somebody, they are not tied to you, they do not have to cleave unto you, they do not have to love honor or cherish you...Don't you want more for your beloved than somebody to fornicate with? 

I hope you take time and read from the Bible today, and if you don't have one, has a wonderful online version you can ready for FREE!

Have a wonderful day y'all!

Saturday, May 5, 2012


As a homeschooling photo taking mom I do a 
lot of things with my boys 
and prayer is one of the first things we do to start our days. 
We made this awesome prayer board 
with an older cookie sheet and chalkboard paint :) 
Ultra quick and easy!

The LORD is far from the wicked: 
but he heareth the prayer of the righteous. 

We call upon the Lord for everything we do in our lives.  We prayed before we joined our current church, had our boys, choose our jobs. We want to be in the Lord's will in everything we do.

 When was the last time you took time to pray? When was the last time you sought out God's will for your life? There is so much wickedness in today's world that we as Christians over look it, condone it, approve it. 
We are praying for God's will in our children's lives, that they have a love life like God wants it to be, not just jump into a relationship because they have to have one, or move in with somebody who is not their spouse. We also pray for them to have a job that allows them to be able to go to church on Sundays and Wednesday nights and be part of the bus ministry on Saturday mornings. 

Pray without ceasing.

I often find myself praying throughout the day to God. When somebody comes to mind, or I see something come across Facebook, or hear a prayer request from my favorite radio station here in Hopkinsville, I stop and pray and then go on about my day.

When was the last time you prayed? Make time today!

Home Grown Goodnes..

Home grown goodness!

As many of you know we home school our kids and a while back we planted our garden for this growing season.  My dear mother-in-law was out here for a visit and she helped dh mark off the rows where we would be planting lots and lots of corn, peppers, cucumbers and watermelons. 
My dear husband loves peppers, we planted about 20 pepper plants!  I'm the only one in the house who loves tomatoes. 
So we planted our garden full of pepper plants and we have a small raised bed for our tomato plants. After much needed rain this past week, I went down to our large garden and found a few little pepper plants growing, wohoo for the garden!! 
And then I thought well I should go up and look in my little raised bed, just to see if there were any tomatoes, and there were!!! I'm so excited, just think of those wonderful not rock hard tomatoes on a turkey sandwich with mayonnaise, homemade bread of course!
My dear husband LOVES green peppers, and Lord willing this year we will have a freezer full come winter time for yummy stir fry and tacos. I hope you get out there and garden with your children, and teach them that not all things come from a can.

Genesis 1:29 KJV
And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Home School Science 101 - Lava Lamps

As a homeschooling photographing mom, we get to do a lot of cool things for science. On this day, we were seeing the weight difference between water and oil, simple right? But we upped the fun with a little food color and Alka Seltzer tablets. So we followed these instructions:

But then we made a few changes which made it easier for us :) after we had finished the first home made lava lamp.

  1. Fill the bottle of your choosing about 1/4 full of water.
  2. Add food coloring to your liking for color, and yes you can mix colors to create your own personal favorite. Mix thoroughly to infuse the water with color.
  3. Fill the bottle the rest of the way with cooking oil. We used Canola and it worked just fine.
  4. Split the Alka-Seltzer tablets into fourths.
  5. Drop one at a time, let dissolved completely to prevent cloudiness.
  6. Have lots of fun and it can be reused a lot!
We did this for a science experiment with our home school group, and the kids loved it!  I hope you get out there and have fun schooling your kids!