Tuesday, January 18, 2011

15/365 .... one photo a day keeps the....

So, how do you pick what to photograph on what day? I try to remember that there is life outside of my customers, so I really have to concentrate on what to photograph. Today I focused on one of my best friends, my dog. She is all of 3 1/2 and she is a great buddy just to hang out with, and if you are cold an awesome heat blanket (which only weighs 75 lbs).

We usually remember to photograph important things, like kids birthdays, lost teeth and sporting events and family vacations, but what about everyday life?

Sometimes I wish I had a camera with me, instead of leaving it at the house in my camera gear, when I see something truly great. Or if there is somebody I really would like to meet, and create a memory with by taking a photo, and all I have is my little 3mp camera phone :( I really hate letting a great opportunity pass me up just for the fact I don't have my camera.

So what has caught your eye today?
Something great created by your child?
Love and laughter between siblings? 
A loving parent who when they pass, we wish we had taken more photos of them?
A love in your life, even though you are busy, you never make time to take a couple's photo?
An inspirational Bible verse?
A loved pet?

There are many things we can photograph, we just have to take that leap and do it.

Happy Photoing :)

1 comment:

  1. meant to tell you that I'm really enjoying your blog, though I rarely comment. Frequently get tickled or inspired by yours..((Cindy))Miss you!!
