Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Five reasons why you should never skimp on wedding photography.

tLet’s face it. Weddings are so expensive. I’m all about finding ways to save money, and there are lots of ways you can do so. But if you only splurge on one thing for your wedding, LET IT BE PHOTOGRAPHY.  Why? Because its true! If you live in southern Kentucky, chances are you know someone who is a “photographer” and its tempting to hire them for cheap or even have them shoot your wedding as a wedding gift to you to save money, but hear me now and believe me later, DON’T DO IT!!!

Here’s why:

1. You will not get this chance again.
This is your wedding, a day little girls have looked forward to since their first glimpse of Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty. Where else will a large family gathering be? Think of those photos you want to capture, like with your great-grandmother or even your mom. Those moments will be gone in a blink of an eye, so capture them while you have time.  Wouldn't you want to invest in memories for you and your children and your future grandchildren? Invest in memories that will carry down through the generations.

2. It’s not just for you, its for everyone who loves you.
Your day will last forever, via photos. And think of all the family who couldn't make it, share your wonderful day with them with a great wedding photographer's work. It will help them feel like they were there if they are shown excellent work that bursts with excitement and love and care for your wedding day.

3. A wedding photographer can anticipate what will happen next.
This is why you should not only get a great photographer, you should get a great wedding photographer. A wedding photographer can tell you exactly what is going to happen next, and if they are really god, they can anticipate those extra special moments that normally Uncle Bob won't think to capture. Wedding photographers know how to work a crowd, without being part of it.

4. A great photographer can turn an ordinary wedding into an extraordinary wedding.
When you are on a budget, a good photographer can make your wedding photos look like you spent at least 2xs the amount you did. They turn your wedding into something graceful, and makes it pop with effort to capture those special moments.

5. If it doesn’t turn out well, you don’t want to have hard feelings with a friend.
If you have a friend take your wedding photos, they might get side tracked, because they are the "photographer" and take control of your wedding day, not letting you enjoy your time with family and friends. Instead of working, they are there are friends, and want to be part of the inner circle, when they should be looking in, and seeing that the day is not about you and them, but just about you. They might get a little upset when you tell them, back off, or they might get upset when 3 months down the road you are asking where are your photos at. Remember cheap or free = no motivation to get the job done quickly, especially when a paying gig comes up.

So how much does a great wedding photographer cost in South West Kentucky? This depends on what all is included. Some photographers quote their rates for shooting only, while others quote packages that include both shooting and prints, albums, digital images, etc. When you are researching photographers you should keep this in mind and make sure you are comparing apples to apples with regard to pricing. That being said, I know a couple of great photographers whose coverage starts around $1,000, but you should not be startled at a base price of $3,500 either. Sure that’s a lot of money, but what you get in return is priceless.

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